Hello Section E5!
On behalf of the Section Leadership team and Aal-Pa-Tah Lodge, we would like to thank you for coming out for a wonderful weekend of training and fun. We hope you found the sessions informative, the discussions inspiring, and the opportunity to connect with fellow leaders both motivating and rewarding. Your commitment to leadership in our Scouting community is truly appreciated, and we are excited to see how you’ll apply what you’ve learned to continue making a positive impact in your chapters, lodges, and beyond. Linked down below are the photos from the event.
We look forward to working together to keep the momentum from this event going and to further strengthen our leadership across Section E5. Thank you again for being part of this special event, and we hope to see you at future gatherings.
Yours in Brotherhood and Cheerful Service,
Section E5 Leadership team
Link for photos: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/wwqreveguj2obq30cy7np/AIh5QmKzHEM9IvUEESgnSGo?rlkey=dkw55yucal84c0yri4qsj9c7f&st=9xwvpfcj&dl=0